My grandfather Felipe n. Brambila wrote a note on June 2, 1925. He notes that according to the parochial records of Tenamaxtlan, there were 772 Spaniards and 1,763 Mexican residents in the year 1757. By the year 1855, the population had increased to 5,658. He does not mention the ethnicity of the population at this time. My mother told me once that grandpa enjoyed documenting information with regards to the town of Tenamaxtlan, where his father and grandfather lived for many years.
This blog pertains to my assimilation as an immigrant to the US. It also pertains to the family roots of Spanish families who settled in southwestern Mexico in the late thirteen century. Este blog contiene las raices de varias familias que se establecieron en la parte suroeste de Mejico, en el pasado. Este blog tambien contiene pensamientos que me ocurren acerca de mi experiencia como imigrante a los Estados Unidos de Norteamerica