Maria Rita Naranjo Gomez was born on July 3, 1796. She was born in Tecolotlan, Jalisco, Mexico. Rita was my great-great grandmother. She was the daughter of Rafael Naranjo Castillo and Ursula Gomez. Rafael Naranjo was born in Tecolotrlan, Mexico on October 27, 1766. Rita's siblings were Felipe, Antonio, Jose Maria, Roberto and Pedro. Rita married Juan Jose Fregoso. Juan Jose Fregoso was the son of Juan Antonio Fregoso and Maria Antonia Toscano. Juan Antonio Fregoso was the son of Tadeo Gomez de Teran, member of the Justice Department in Tecolotlan in the XVIII century. Hme was the owner of the Santa Rita hacienda located to the north of Tecolotlan. He passed away on September 19, 1811. My source is My grandpa does not know the date of Juan Jose Fregoso's passing; however, Rita passed away on August 5, 1871 in Tenamaxtlan.
This blog pertains to my assimilation as an immigrant to the US. It also pertains to the family roots of Spanish families who settled in southwestern Mexico in the late thirteen century. Este blog contiene las raices de varias familias que se establecieron en la parte suroeste de Mejico, en el pasado. Este blog tambien contiene pensamientos que me ocurren acerca de mi experiencia como imigrante a los Estados Unidos de Norteamerica