What I want to talk about is the content of this blog. My original intent is to convey some of the history of who I am and where I come from. I do this by providing some data that was originally written by my grandfather and the long conversations I had with my dearly departed father and mother regarding our family history. The other topic I want to cover is the wonderful journey that I have traveled as an immigrant to the United States for fifty-five years. I am so interested in the cultural differences of my country of birth in contrast to the values and mores of the people of this country; it is a fascinating subject. What has encouraged me so much to excel, regardless of my economic condition, is the number of Americans who have mentored me and encouraged me to attain my goals. My gratitude to Bill Baker, my long- time friend and mentor. I also include some information regarding DNA test results that might clarify some the information that I provide in this blog. I ho...
This blog pertains to my assimilation as an immigrant to the US. It also pertains to the family roots of Spanish families who settled in southwestern Mexico in the late thirteen century. Este blog contiene las raices de varias familias que se establecieron en la parte suroeste de Mejico, en el pasado. Este blog tambien contiene pensamientos que me ocurren acerca de mi experiencia como imigrante a los Estados Unidos de Norteamerica